33rd ALL MIE 33 CONTEST 2010

(1) 1st quarter from 11:00 UTC on May 4th to 15:00 UTC and 2nd quarter from 23:00 UTC to 03:00 UTC the next day
<May 4 to 5, 2010>
(2) JL category stations may operate only in 2nd quarter.

02. BANDS:
All Japanese amateur bands except WARC bands
160m(CW only), 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m, 6m, 2m and down

JARL recommended contest woking frequency
80m CW :3.510-3.525 SSB :3.530-3.565
40m CW :7.010-7.030 SSB :7.040-7.080
20m CW :14.050-14.080 SSB :14.250-14.300
15m CW :21.050-21.080 SSB :21.350-21.450
10m CW :28.050-28.080 SSB :28.600-28.850 FM:29.200-29.300
6m CW :50.050-50.090 SSB :50.250-51.000 FM:51.000-52.000
2m CW :144.050-144.090 SSB :144.250-144.500 FM:144.750-145.600
70cm CW :430.050-430.090 SSB :430.250-430.700 FM:432.100-434.000

(1) Single Operator Multi Band
XA1: Mie(ME) stations: CW and Phone
CA1: Mie(ME) stations: CW
XB1: JL stations: CW and Phone
CB1: JL stations: CW
XC1: Out-stations from Mie(MEJ): CW and Phone
CC1: Out-stations from Mie(MEJ): CW
XD1: Stations outside Mie: CW and Phone
CD1: Stations outside Mie: CW

JL station is a female operator or a operator younger than junior high student who operates inside of Mie prefecture.
Out-stations from Mie(MEJ) is a operator who has ever lived in Mie prefecture and operates outside of Mie.

(2) Single Operator Single Band
XA2: Mie(ME) stations: CW and Phone on one either band of 80m or 40m, 6m, 2m.
CA2: Mie(ME) stations: CW on one either band of 160m or 80m, 40m, 6m, 2m.
XC2: Out-stations from Mie(MEJ): CW and Phone on one either band of 80m or 40m, 6m, 2m.
CC2: Out-stations from Mie(MEJ): CW on one either band of 160m or 80m, 40m, 6m, 2m.
XD2: Stations outside Mie: CW and Phone on one either band of 80m or 40m, 6m, 2m.
CD2: Stations outside Mie: CW on one either band of 160m or 80m, 40m, 6m, 2m.

(3) Single Operator FM mode
XA3: Mie(ME) stations: F3E mode on 10m and down
XC3: Out-stations from Mie(MEJ): F3E mode on 10m and down
XD3: Stations outside Mie: F3E mode on 10m and down

(4) Multi-Operator Multi Transmitter Multi Band
XA4: Mie(ME) stations: CW and Phone
CA4: Mie(ME) stations: CW
XC4: Out-stations from Mie(MEJ): CW and Phone
CC4: Out-stations from Mie(MEJ): CW
XD4: Stations outside Mie: CW and Phone
CD4: Stations outside Mie: CW

(5) SWL
XA5: Mie(ME) stations: CW and Phone
CA5: Mie(ME) stations: CW
XC5: Out-stations from Mie(MEJ): CW and Phone
CC5: Out-stations from Mie(MEJ): CW
XD5: Stations outside Mie: CW and Phone
CD5: Stations outside Mie: CW

(1) CW: "CQ ME TEST"
Mie stations and JL stations add "/ME" after the callsign
Out-stations from Mie add "/MEJ" after the callsign

(2) Phone: "CQ All Mie Three Three Contest"
Mie stations and JL stations add "MI-E KE-N-NA-I KYO-KU" after the callsign
Out-stations from Mie add "MI-E KE-N-JI-N KYO-KU" after the callsign

(1) Mie stations and JL stations: RS(T) + operators' age + "ME"
For example (If operator is 25-year-old): 59925ME
(2) Out-stations from Mie: RS(T) + operators' age + "MEJ"
(3) Stations outside Mie: RS(T) + operators' age

Note: If the operator does not want to send one's age, "00" (zero zero) can be sent instead of the age.

(1) For Mie stations, JL stations and Out-stations from Mie: 1 point per QSO
(2) For Stations outside Mie: 1 point per QSO with Mie station, JL station or Out-station from Mie

Note: Duplicate contact with the same station on same band will not count as a point. QSO between Stations outside Mie will not count as a point

The total number of different age worked on each band.
"00" is available

(The total of the contact points on each band) x (The total of the multipliers on each band)

(1) Submit a summary sheet and logs of only one entry classification.
(2) They should be postmarked by the following dates, addressed to:
JARL Mie Branch, c/o H.Masuda, 750-30 Kanonjicho,
Tsu, Mie 514-0062, Japan
(3) E-mail submission will be welcomed to: je2mde@jarl.com
(4) Deadlines for submissions: May 31st.

(1) Certificates will be awarded for the following numbers of winners in proportion to the number of participation
a: 10 or less: Award only to the highest scorer
b: From 11 to 30: Awards to the top three
c: From 31 or more: Awards to the top five
(2) Certificates will be awarded for the first place of each call area within top 50% in Stations outside Mie single operation 50MHz and 144MHz bands.
(3) Certificates will be awarded for the first place of each DXCC countries outside Japan.
(4) Certificates will be awarded especially for the 33rd place of each categories.
(5) A Championship Plaque can be given the first place from a donating local club or an individual.
(6) A Championship Plaque can be given the first place of local club competition.

(1) No cross band nor cross mode contacts. No contact made through repeaters.
(2) For Multi-Operator: Transmitting two signals or more at the same time within the same band is not permitted.
(3) For single Operator: Transmitting two signals or more at the same time, including cases of different bands, is not permitted.
(4) No operation from two sites or more for Multi-Operator's entry.

(1) Local clubs will compete with the sum of score of one multi-operated staion and some single operated stations of the club
(2) Any question is asked by SASE or e-mail (je2mde@jarl.com)
(3) Results print will be sent to a station enclosing return postage.
(4) Results will be announced on JARL News, ham magazine and JARL Mie Branch's web site (http://www.jarl.com/mie/english.html).
(5) The other matters are followed by JARL contest agreement.